Brooklynites have a better case for nation status than Pseudostians. We have our own regional dialect just like the Pseudostinaians. However, unlike the Pseudostinians we are mostly peaceful except at blackouts and Al Sharpton inspired pogroms.
Brooklyn history is replette with notable figures such as Walt Whitman. We have had several sports teams, classic TV series and whole bodies of fiction. There is even a notable book a Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Little grows in Pseudostine unless those joooooos plant it.
Brooklyn is a cosmopolitan city that welcomes all. One can find Italian, Russian, Caribean and Jewish enclaves in a city that represents the world. Pseudostine is yet another ethnically cleansed Muslim state that Christians flee in droves.
The economy of Brooklyn bristles with industry due to its energetic workforce. The Pseudostinians produce hommicide bombers and Kassam rockets. The UN Aid doesn't even get to the people due to a culture of endemic corruption.
Some of you might point out our esteemed leader Spike Lee was not born in Brooklyn.
Yasser Arafat and Professor Said were born in Egypt and have no claim to an ethnicity that is as fictional as Spikes films. Spike's films are more beleivable than Pseudostinian ethnicity. It also helps that Danny Aiello is a great actor.
Some of you complain that Brooklyn residents are no different from Queens or Staten Island Residents. In fact many of you claim most Staten Islanders were born in Brooklyn. All of you fish stick eater ( non Brooklynites), are wrong praise Spike Lee.
Brooklynites are descended from the Canarsie Indians. Some of you point out that Haitians and Jews have no biological, cultural or linguistic ties to the Canarsie.
Well this doesn't seem to be an impediment to preposterous claims about Pseudostinians who have zero connection to Philistines, Cananites or Malcolm X. If Psuedostinians can demand a state based on a contrived ethnicity so can the mostly peaceful residents of Brooklyn.
Praise our leader Spike Lee
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Excellent, beak, I couldn't have said it better. LOL. If people buy the Pseudostinian myth, I have a bridge I can sell them ... speaking of Brooklyn.
The Muslims pulled this same fiction in the Balkans with Kosovars. Non Indigenous people become indigenous only when the far left decides so.
Lets, see...
Marty Markowitz, or Hamas?
Hmm.. tough choice!
oh I liked Brooklyn and walking the Bridge was good. Can we keep the bridge?
Spike Lee is a poser!
"The Pseudostinians produce hommicide bombers and Kassam rockets." - Oh, come on! Just where would the Pseudostinians get the know-how, or even the facilities to produce them? Nope! They import 'em! Pseudostine is a thriving importing power in the Middle East.
Now, if we could just convince all those ethnic Egyptians to just mosey on home to Egypt, all that would be left would be a few thousand Arabs of unknown origin. And Egypt could figure out how to handle the Pseudostinians for once.
Well, I'm certainly late getting here!
Another name for Pseudistinians: Paleostinians. I heard that from a fellow blogger not affiliated with The Beak Community.
Don't forget bagels!!! Brooklyn has the best bagels. When I was growing up on Staten Island we use to drive over to Brooklyn just to get the best fresh bagels.
And I agree!
100 percent!
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